Convert Mold Testing Leads into Mold Removal Jobs: 5 Steps to Converting Mold Testing Leads into Mold Removal Jobs
Whether you’re buying mold remediation leads from us now or just generating leads through your own marketing efforts, you will undoubtedly get mold testing leads occasionally. Your first instinct may be to turn away leads for mold testing. However, you are missing out on opportunities to close mold remediation jobs.
When it comes to mold testing leads, working the lead correctly will help convert it into a mold remediation job. Even if your state or municipality requires independent companies to perform the testing and remediation, you can still take ownership of that customer. This dramatically increases the odds of converting it into a job.
5 Steps to Converting Mold Testing Leads into Mold Removal Jobs
- Thoroughly Evaluate Your Customer’s Mold Concerns – Start by validating the mold lead, then evaluate why the customer thinks they need a mold test. In some cases, you may be able to convert this into a remediation job right away.
- Explain Your Mold Assessment Process If Necessary – While you know the mold testing and remediation process and requirements for your area, your customers do not. Take a moment to explain the process and build trust with your customer.
- Offer to Provide a Free Visual Mold Inspection – Work on converting the lead by offering a free visual mold inspection. Even if independent testing is required, this continues building trust plus gets your customer to set the appointment.
- Book the Appointment – The goal of every mold lead, whether for testing or remediation, should be booking the appointment. Be patient and answer their questions, but remain persistent about scheduling an appointment.
- Take Ownership of That Mold Testing Lead and Customer – Regardless of whether a mold test is required, take ownership of that lead and the customer. This gives you the best opportunity to convert this lead into a job.
Why Customers Want a Mold Test
Most customers will contact you about mold testing or a mold inspect because they are unwilling to admit there is an issue. Even if they are looking right at mold, they still want you to confirm their suspicions.
Whether for health reasons or as part of the removal process, many customers think they need a mold test. While this is the case in some states, many states do not require this step. In most cases, visual confirmation is enough to verify the presence of mold.
How to Avoid Turning Away Mold Leads
The biggest mistake you can make with any mold lead is to turn away the opportunity without validating it first. Each week, we listen to hundreds of mold leads. When contractors turn away a viable opportunity, it’s for one of these two common situations.
The first is asking the customer if they have already had the area tested for mold. Even if a mold test is required, you should never turn away a customer. The other is telling the customer they need a mold test, an environmental hygienist, or an indoor air quality test.
Even if an independent test is required in your area, you’re turning your customer away without even evaluating the situation first.
Whether you can test for mold yourself, you need to refer them to a separate mold testing company, or an independent mold testing company is required, you should always try to convert that lead into a job. It’s much better to wait a couple of weeks for the test results than to lose out on the job entirely.
How to Convert Mold Testing Leads into Mold Remediation Jobs
The key to converting mold testing leads into viable mold remediation jobs is taking ownership of the customer and working the lead.
1. Thoroughly Evaluate Your Customer’s Mold Concerns
If you receive a mold testing lead, work to evaluate your customer’s concerns about mold. Like any other lead, you should start by validating that they are the homeowner or decision maker contacting you about a service you offer in your area.
If they are looking for a mold test, ask them a few more questions to get a better understanding of their situation. Ask why they suspect they have mold and what room or rooms are affected. Was there an incident that resulted in the mold, such as a flood, water damage, moisture, humidity, condensation, or a leak.
Then get them to describe how large the area is and use fixed items for reference. How many mold spots are there? Are they the size of a dime, baseball, or basketball? Does it cover 25%, 50%, or 75% of the surface? You may also consider asking about the color of the mold or if there are smells or odors as well.
2. Explain Your Mold Assessment Process If Necessary
Once you’ve validated the mold testing lead and evaluated their concerns, explain the process to reassure your customer. Start by explaining that you’ll be happy to come out for a free visual inspection to confirm or dispute their suspicions.
If your state doesn’t restrict the mold testing and mold remediation process, let them know you can refer them to a mold testing company if they still desire. Explain that they will need to contact a separate company to confirm the presence of mold if you operate in a state that requires independent mold testing.
If mold testing isn’t required by law, let the customer know you will be able to begin mold remediation immediately if they desire. Otherwise, let them know you are happy to wait for the results of the mold test. Walk them through the mold remediation process as well.
3. Offer to Provide a Free Visual Mold Inspection
While you already outline this when you were explaining the entire process, offering a free visual mold inspection will help you set the appointment. Whether your customer is looking for validation they actually have more or just don’t want to admit it, your expert opinion can make the difference in how they proceed.
If you’re in a state or municipality that requires independent mold testing, make sure you clearly outline that both on during your initial conversation and once you arrive at the property. In some areas, a visual inspection may even qualify as the required mold test.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make observations. By investigating their concerns, you work at building trust and rapport. Your actions will help convert this mold testing opportunity into a mold remediation job.
4. Book the Appointment
Now that you’ve validated the lead, educated your customer, and addressed their objectives, focus on booking the appoint. Let them know you’re available to come out for that free visual inspection whenever is most convenient for them.
Obviously, each customer will behave differently, so you may be able to jump to this step sooner. For some mold testing leads, you may even be able to skip right to booking the appointment after validating the lead.
Other cases, you may need to go through all of the steps above. In some cases, you may even need to reiterate certain steps to build trust with your customer and get them to commit to having you come out. Remember to remain patient, yet persistent with them. Focus on how you can help resolve their problem, even if an independent mold test is required.
5. Take Ownership of That Mold Testing Lead and Customer
The biggest key to converting mold testing leads into mold remediation jobs is owning the customer throughout the process. Setting an appointment for a free visual inspection drastically increases the chances you will convert that lead into a remediation job.
Even if your state requires an independent mold test before you can do the remediation, take ownership of that opportunity. You may need to wait a few weeks for the test results, but that customer is more likely to call you back directly. You should follow back up with them regularly too.
Obviously, not every mold testing lead will work out that way. In some cases, they may not have mold at all. In others, it might be such a small area that they can address the issue themselves. However, your odds of landing the job are much higher than if you had just turned away the mold testing lead from the start.
Get More Mold Remediation Leads and Jobs
Start getting more mold remediation leads today from 33 Mile Radius. Our mold removal leads are sent via phone or email exclusively to just one partner. This gives you the best opportunity to convert the lead into a job. Fill out the contact form below and one of our business development managers will reach out to you within one business day. To sign up now, call 888-594-8381 and start getting mold removal leads now.